quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

Why can't I be Gretel?

«- Story of my life. Everyone else is all falling in love and acting stupid and goofy and sweet and insane, but not me. Why don't I want that more? I want to want that. Am I wired wrong or something?
- No. Look, you didn't want to be with me so clearly you have abysmal taste in men. But you're wired just fine.
- Well, what if I'm just a cold person? Tonight, Mike was willing to look like a complete idiot for me, but I couldn't be Gretel. Why can't I be Gretel?
- Because you just haven't met the right Hansel yet. One day you're gonna meet a guy who's gonna make you want to look like a complete idiot.»

(How I Met Your Mother)

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